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In general, benign positional paroxysmal vertigo is not dangerous for humans, but it can lead to fatal consequences if an attack occurs while driving, while at height, in water, and so on. Benign positional paroxysmal vertigo is diagnosed by a neurologist based on the patient’s complaints. The diagnosis is confirmed by a positive Dix-Hallpike test. It is carried out like this. The patient sits on the couch and focuses his gaze on the doctor's forehead. The doctor turns the patient’s head to the right 45°, sharply lays him on his back and tilts his head back 30°. If a person experiences dizziness and nystagmus (oscillating eye movements), the test is assessed as positive. Then it is repeated on the other side. Nystagmus does not always appear.

BPPV is differentiated from vestibular neuronitis, labyrinthine fistula and vestibular type of Meniere's disease. In recent years, the treatment of benign paroxysmal vertigo (BPPV) has been practiced with the help of various exercises that promote the return of otolith particles to their place - in the sacs. The Epley technique is considered the most effective way to restore inner ear mechanics and normalize balance control. Its algorithm. Patientsits straight on the couch and turns his head towards the sore ear by 45º, then lies on his back, staying in this position for 2 minutes. The doctor turns the patient’s head in the opposite direction (90º) and fixes it for 2 minutes. The patient slowly turns his torso in the direction of suhagra his head, pointing his nose down and staying in this position for 2 minutes, then returns to the starting point.

The person may feel dizzy throughout the exercise. Usually 3 repetitions are required, after which there is a steady improvement in the condition. The number of procedures is determined by the doctor. Relapses occur in 6-8% of cases. Another way to treat benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is vestibular gymnastics using the Semont method. Its essence lies in successive sharp changes in the position of the patient’s head and torso. It typically causes severe dizziness and is considered too aggressive by many doctors and is rarely prescribed.

If conservative treatment is ineffective and the disease is severe, neurosurgical surgery is performed on the inner ear. The prognosis for BPPV is favorable. in most cases, adequate treatment leads to buy suhagra online. Measures to prevent BPPV have not been developed because the causes of the disease have not been established. Paroxysmal positional vertigo. main signs and methods of treatment. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is a disease mainly of older people.

In 75-80% of patients who seek medical help at a medical institution, a benign form of the disease is detected. BPPV is a disease of the inner ear that affects the vestibular system. BPPV occurs during a sudden change in body position in space. This occurs during physical activity - bending the body and head, turning or squatting. During exercise, the patient rapidly develops signs of suhagra pills. Positional vertigo is mainly found in older people, so the proportion of patients aged 50-65 years is about 40%.